The proportion of Americans without health insurance remained stable in 2023, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday, close to the record low the Biden administration achieved in 2022 through expansions of public programs, including the Affordable Care Act. About 8% of Americans were uninsured, a statistically insignificant increase of just 0.1 […]
Category: Uninsured
La tasa de personas sin seguro médico se mantiene estable, a pesar de la purga de Medicaid
La proporción de personas sin seguro de salud se mantuvo estable en 2023, informó la Oficina del Censo. Fue solo un poco más alta que el récord del año anterior, gracias a la expansión de programas públicos de la administración Biden, incluida la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo […]
A Tale of Two States: Arizona and Florida Diverge on How To Expand Kids’ Health Insurance
Arizona and Florida — whose rates of uninsured children are among the highest in the nation — set goals last year to widen the safety net that provides health insurance to people 18 and younger. But their plans to expand coverage illustrate key ideological differences on the government’s role in […]
Funding Instability Plagues Program That Brings Docs to Underserved Areas
For Diana Perez, a medical resident at the Family Health Center of Harlem, the handwritten thank-you note she received from a patient is all the evidence she needs that she has chosen the right training path. Perez helped the patient, a homeless, West African immigrant who has HIV and other […]
He Fell Ill on a Cruise. Before He Boarded the Rescue Boat, They Handed Him the Bill.
Vincent Wasney and his fiancée, Sarah Eberlein, had never visited the ocean. They’d never even been on a plane. But when they bought their first home in Saginaw, Michigan, in 2018, their real estate agent gifted them tickets for a Royal Caribbean cruise. After two years of delays due to […]
Casi 1 de cada 4 adultos desafiliados de Medicaid siguen sin seguro, indica encuesta
Casi una cuarta parte de los adultos que fueron dados de baja de Medicaid el año pasado dicen que ahora no tienen seguro, según una encuesta que detalla cómo decenas de millones de estadounidenses lucharon por conservar la cobertura del gobierno para personas de bajos ingresos. Las protecciones que tuvo […]
Nearly 1 in 4 Adults Dumped From Medicaid Are Now Uninsured, Survey Finds
Nearly a quarter of adults disenrolled from Medicaid in the past year say they are now uninsured, according to a survey released Friday that details how tens of millions of Americans struggled to retain coverage in the government insurance program for low-income people after pandemic-era protections began expiring last spring. […]
Doctors Take On Dental Duties to Reach Low-Income and Uninsured Patients
DENVER — Pediatrician Patricia Braun and her team saw roughly 100 children at a community health clinic on a recent Monday. They gave flu shots and treatments for illnesses like ear infections. But Braun also did something most primary care doctors don’t. She peered inside mouths searching for cavities or […]
En California, la cobertura de salud ampliada a inmigrantes choca con las revisiones de Medicaid
OAKLAND, California – El Medi-Cal llegó a Antonio Abundis cuando el conserje más lo necesitaba. Poco después que Abundis pasara de tener cobertura limitada a una cobertura completa en 2022, bajo la expansión del Medi-Cal de California para adultos mayores sin papeles, fue diagnosticado con leucemia, un tipo de cáncer […]
California’s Expanded Health Coverage for Immigrants Collides With Medicaid Reviews
OAKLAND, Calif. — Medi-Cal health coverage kicked in for Antonio Abundis just when the custodian needed it most. Shortly after Abundis transitioned from limited to full-scope coverage in 2022 under California’s expansion of Medi-Cal to older residents without legal immigration status, he was diagnosed with leukemia, a cancer affecting the […]